Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce, Solapur



Activities conducted in 2024-25
Date Name of Department Type of Activity Photographs
15/02/2025 DMS National Seminar on "Leveraging AI for Research Work"
07/02/2025 BCA Guest Lecture on "CCNA"
25/01/2025 BCA Power BI COMPETITION

Power BI COMPETITION was conducted on 27/01/25 for BCA II students. 30 teams have participated in the competition. The competition was judged by Mr. Bachuwar sir.

21/01/2025 to 25/01/2025 DMS FDP on “Patent Drafting and filing Procedure”
07/01/2025 to 08/01/2025 DMS  National Conference on "IKS"
03/01/2025  ALL "Kommerz Arena-VII 2025"
24/12/2024 BCA Seminar on "Agile Software Development" for BCA-II & BCA-III Students
23/12/2024 BCA "Meditation Session" for BCA-I Students 
21/12/2024 BCA Guest Lecture on "LinkedIn"
19/12/2024 BCA Guest Lecture on "Business Startup"
14/12/2024 BCA BCA Fresher's Party 
05/12/2024 to 12/12/2024 BCA Workshop on "PowerBI" BCA Section skill development session for BCA III Students on "PowerBI Certification Course"  by Mr. Dr. Vaibhav Bachuvar. Total 58 students have enrolled for this certification in the year 2024-25.
02/12/2024 BCOM World AIDS Day- Awareness Rally active participation World AIDS Day- Awareness Rally Organized by Dr V. M. Govt. Medical College, Solapur (VMGMC, Solapur), Ashwini Medical College and Research Center, Family Planning Association and District Legal Service Authority and Lions Club Solapur. Read more....
01/12/2024 to 08/12/2024 BCA Workshop on "AWS" BCA Section skill development session for BCA III Students on "AWS Certification Course"  by Mr. R. S. Swami. Total 61 students have enrolled for this certification in the year 2024-25.
26/11/2024 BCA Constitution Day 2024 Constitution Day 2024 was celebrated in College. Preamble was read by students and staff. In class students delivered their thoughts on Role of Indian Constitution in Nation Building. Mr.H.V.Konade, Mr.A.L.Sakhare guided the students for these activities
26/11/2024 BCOM Constitution Day 2024 Constitution Day 2024 was celebrated in College. Preamble was read by students and staff. NSS students with program officer visited Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar`s statue, Park Chowk Solapur to honor. In class students delivered their thoughts on Role of Indian Constitution in Nation Building. Dr. Shrinivas Jagtap, Dr. Navraj Kaldate , Capt. Sandeep Patil, Mr. Ajit Devsale guided the students for these activities Read more...
16/11/2024 BCOM Participation in “Run for Vote” Marathon (Pavankhind Daud) Participation in “Run for Vote” Marathon (Pavankhind Daud) Organized by Prabhodan Manch and Krida Bharati Solapur.
26/10/2024   Udyamdeep – Spreading Light of Creativity- A Diwali Trade Fair -

‘Udyamdeep’ Trade Fair & Start-Up Expo was organised on 26 and 27 Oct. 2024 by ED Cell – Udyamsheel in association with Uddyam PAHSU Incubtion Foundation. There were 60 stalls and around 350 students have participated. In this exhibition students were encouraged to set up stalls of clothes, chaddars, pooja material, diwali special items like soaps, scented hair oil, agarbatti, bed sheets, chaddars, pens, books, diaries, Diwali special eatables etc. The Udyamdeep exhibition got a tremendous response. The exhibition was visited by large number of visitors who appreciated the quality, price of products and the selling skills of the students.

24/10/2024 BBA Creativity and Innovation Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce, Solapur BBA Section has organised a session for BBA I year students dated 24th October 2024 on the topic Creativity and Innovation by Mr. Sandeep Kasturkar sir. 70 students have attended this session.
23/10/2024 BBA Emotional Intelligence Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce, Solapur BBA Section has organised a session for BBA I year students dated 23rd October 2024 on the topic Emotional Intelligence by Ms. Sonal Siddharth Kedari. 75 students have attended this session.
22/10/2024 BBA Personality Dynamics: Think, Feel, and Act Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce, Solapur BBA Section has organised a session for BBA I year students dated 22nd October 2024 on the topic Personality Dynamics: Think, Feel, and Act by Ms. Lalita Rawal. 75 students have attended this session.
21/10/2024 BBA Self Awareness Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce, Solapur BBA Section has organised a session for BBA I year students dated 21st October 2024 on the topic Self Awareness by Mrs. Priyanka Vishal Kurle. 75 students have attended this session.
19/10/2024 BBA Self Motivation Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce, Solapur BBA Section has organised a session for BBA I year students dated 19th October 2024 on the topic Self Motivation by Dr. Rajni Kshirsagar mam. 75 students have attended this session.
18/10/2024 BBA BBA & Its Timeline Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce, Solapur BBA Section has organised a session dated 18th October 2024 on BBA & Its Timeline by Mr. Vishwashankar Chakote sir, MD, Shower and Tower Water Park, Solapur The session anchoring was done by Ms. Sonia Dayma from BBA I. 85 students have attended this session.
17/10/2024 BBA Secrets of Guaranteed Success - A Gen Z Way Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce, Solapur BBA Section has organised a session dated 17th October 2024 on Secrets of Guaranteed Success - A Gen Z Way by Mr. Anish Sahasrabudhe sir, Owner, Spice and Ice events, Solapur The session anchoring was done by Mr. Yashraj Dhole from BBA I. 85 students have attended this session.
16/10/2024 BBA A session on Industry Expectations from Management Graduates Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce, Solapur BBA Section has organised a session dated 16th October 2024 on Industry Expectations from Management Graduates by Dr. Omprakash Ashtankar sir, Director, Dept. Of Management Studies. The session anchoring was done by Ms. Manasi Diddi from BBA I. 90 students have attended this session.
15/10/2024 BCA BCA-I Orientation Program

Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce BBA section has organised BCA Orientation Programme.

15/10/2024 BBA Parichay - BBA Orientation Programme

Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce BBA section has organised *Parichay* An orientation program for BBA students on 15 October 2024, 89 students were the part of orientation programme. The co-ordinators of the event were Mr. S. P. Kasturkar , Dr. R. Y. Kshirsagar , Mrs. P. V. Kurle , Ms. L. R. Rawal , Ms. S. S. Kedari.

24/08/2024 BCOM CAREER AWARENESS PROGRAMME ON CAREER AS A COMPANY SECRETARY (CS) HNCC and The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI, Solapur) jointly organized CAREER AWARENESS PROGRAMME ON CAREER AS A COMPANY SECRETARY (CS) on 26th July 2024. Key Speaker :- CS Arti Bandi  Read More...
3/08/2024 BCOM Organ Donation Rally - HNCC- NSS

Organ Donation Rally - HNCC- NSS volunteers actively participated in the Organ Donation Rally organized by Dr Vaishampayan Memorial Government Medical College, Solapur, Ashwini Medical College Solapur, Family Planning Association Solapur Branch and Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University.Read more...

21/06/2024 BCOM "International Day of Yoga 2024"

21/06/2024 Yoga Practicals and Guidance 21/06/2024 Guest Lecture on the occasion of “International Yoga Day” Key Speaker: Mrs. Sangeeta Mali 21/06/2024 One student attended and guided students in Yoga function held at Haribhai Devkaran Prashala, Solapur, Maharashtra


21/06/2024 BBA Celebration of International Yoga Day 2024

Successfully commemorated International Yoga Day on 21st June 2024 with a vibrant event- Yoga for Self and Society under Hirakani- Women Empowerment Cell conducted by Ms. Aishwarya Mohole for all female faculties, the event was co-ordinated by Prof. P. V. Kurle and Prof. L. R. Rawal

Activities conducted in 2023-24
Date Name of Department Type of Activity Photographs
07/03/2024 BCA Dexter Innofest

National Level Competition Organized by P.A.H.Solapur University on 7th March 2024 where 700+ students have participated in various competition.HNCC BCA Department Students have also participated student and have bagged following prizes in various competitions.

Paper Presentation-First Prize- Ms.Kanaki Yogita(BCA-III) Second Prize- Ms.Shriman Savita(BCA-III)

Programming Competition- Second Prize- Ms.Maile Meghana (BCA-II)

Consolation Prize- Mr.Magnur Anirudh(BCA-III)

02/03/2024 BCOM National Level Seminar

One day national level Seminar on the topic Empowering Commerce Graduates: Strategies For Skill Development And Entrepreneurship Enhancement In Alignment With Nep’s VISION was organized in association with PAH Solapur University, Solapur on March 2,2024.

The Seminar was inaugurated by Dr. L B Dama, Pro V C, PAH Solapur University, Solapur and Shri D K Chilwant, M C Member, PAH Solapur University, Solapur. The key Resource persons for the seminar were Dr M R Shollapur,Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management, KLE Tech niversity, Hubballi, Karnataka and Dr Deepak. C. Nanaware,Prof and Head, Dept of English, DAV Velankar College of Commerce, Solapur. A total number of 160 participant including academicians, research scholars, UG and PG students participated in the seminar.In total 18 Research papers were presented during the paper presentation session chaired by Dr S L Biradar.

Dr Ashwin Bondarde, Prin. Kasturbai College of Education presided over the Valedictory Session. Best paper award was given to research scholars : Miss Vinita Anandani , Ms Aishwarya Goyal, Ms Shravani Ghanekar, Miss Dhanashri Mehta and Miss Shraddha Birajdar. The organising committee was headed by Prin Dr S K Shah, Convener Dr Smita Mayekar , Co Convener Dr Shrinivas Jagtap, Co ordinaries Dr Pankaj Dolas, Dr Snehal Godbole, Dr Sunil Ingale and all staff members .

27/02/2024 BCOM Marathi Bhasha Samman Din Celebration 
24/02/2024 MBA Alumni Scholarship

Like Every Year, Representatives of MBA Alumni Batch 2003-05 viz. Mr. Umesh Kanegaonkar, Mr. Ambadas Yemul, Mr. Sandip Sanga accompanied with Mrs. Patil (Mother of Late Mr. Sagar Patil) and 2 other relatives visited College on Sat., 24th Feb. 2024 to Distribute Late Sagar Patil Scholarship to 2 MBA Students. This year the scholarship was Awarded to Ms. Bhagyashri Chippa (1st Year Topper) and Mr. Kiran Jamma (Most Deserving Candidate). Each Awardee was honored with Scholarship Amount of Rs. 2500/- + A Memento Trophy + Motivational Book 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill. The Present Alumni shared their Experience during and after MBA and shared important tips for successful career and successful life with the students.

17/02/2024 MCOM Industrial Visit

Industrial Visit of P.G. students was conducted to Dudh Pandhari, Srujan Foods(Parle G) and McDonalds to give practical experience of actual working system of business and to motivate them for own start ups.23 students participated in this activity.

16/02/2024 BCOM "MoU Activity- एक मुठ्ठी अन्नधान्य"

College has undergone social event of Donation of Food Grains (Wheat, Rice, and Pulses) from Commerce (JR and Senior) and Management department of the College. on 16th February 2024. Total Quantity of Food Grains collected 460 Kg. from Students, Teaching and Non- Teaching Staff. The same is donated to Jai Hind Food Bank on the same day.

12/02/2024 BCOM National Integration Camp (NIC) selection-NSS (2023-24)

Mr. Adtiya Loni from B.Com part-II selected for National Integration Camp (NIC) held at Gulbarga University, Karnataka from 6th to 12th February 2024.


09/02/2024 BCA Guest Lecture on "MCA Admission Process 2024"
19/01/2024  BCOM Class Presentation - on Mr N. Chandrasekaran (Chairman, Tata Group)

Class Presentation: Mr N. Chandrashekharan (Chairman, Tata Group) Miss. Arya Shinde presented a detail presentation on Mr N. Chandrashekharan (Chairman, Tata Sons) and his achievements and lessons to learn from him.

 07/01/2024 BCOM NSS Annual 7 Days Residential Camp 2023-24

NSS Annual 7 Days Residential Camp 2023-24 at Post- Musti Village, Tal. South Solapur, Dist- Solapur, Maharastra, India


 02/01/2024 BCOM Activity Savitreebai Fule Jayanti Savitreebai Fule Jayanti: Guest lecture by Dr. Varun Hasbnis, on the occasion of Savitreebai Fule Jayanti 3rd January, 2024.
 02/01/2024 BCOM Activity Traditional Day Traditional Day: was organized on 2nd January, 2024. Students represented different states through their attires to highlight the “Unity in Diversity”.
08/12/2023 BCOM Activity Youth Festival Yuva Mahotsav- Unmesh Srujanarangacha: 19th Youth Festival 2023-24 was organized by PAH Solapur University, Solapur at SWERI College of Engineering Pandharpur. Our H N College of Commerce, Solapur participated in 3 group and 8 individual events and grabbed second prize in western solo music Mr. Rahul Kochar.
22/11/2023 BCOM Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan (NMBA) 2023

The following competition has been organized under Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan (NMBA) 2023.

1) Slogan Competition

2) Essay Competition

3) Poster Competition (Online Submission)


31/10/2023  BCOM National Unity Day and Pledge 31st October 2023

National Unity Day and Pledge 31st October 2023, The day is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

28/10/2023 BCOM NSS Advisory Committee Meeting 2023

NSS Advisory Committee Meeting with NSS Director, District Coordinator and Regional Coordinator PAH. Solapur University, Solapur

27/10/2023 MCOM Workshop on Share Market

Workshop on Share Market for of P.G. students was undertaken in which 'Mr. Jagdish Mane' was key speaker. More than 80 students were attended the programme.

27/10/2023 BCOM New Voter Registration Camp 2023-24

New Voter Registration Camp 2023-24. Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce (Electoral Literacy Club-2023-24) organized "New Voter Registration Camp" on Friday, 27/10/2023. For this camp, officials from North Tehsil Office Solapur Mr. Sanjay Inde, Mr. Abhijit Patil and Mr. D.D. Dhawan was present and guided the studnets.

26/10/2023 BCOM Ayushman Bharat Health Card Guidance Session 2023

Ayushman Bharat Health Card Guidance Session 2023 was organized on 26th October 2023. Mr. Nagnath Gujare District Head, Mr. Amol Shinde, Mr. Mohsin Sheikh, Mr. Shashikant Sapat guided the students on this occasion.

09/10/2023 BCOM Entrepreneurship Development Cell -2023-24 Activities: Student Presentation on "Mudra Yojana"

9th October 2023 Miss. Shardha Nanvare form SY. B.Com prepared and presented a detail presentation on “Mudra Yojana”. In her presentation she discussed about the details of the scheme to the students.

18/09/2023 BCOM Art circle/ Cultural Freshers’ Welcome Ceremony
13/09/2023 BCOM "Current Affairs" Discussion in Class

Members of the Commerce Association organized an event of presentation “Current Affairs”. Mr. Aditya Loni form SY. B.Com 2023-24 presented current news in the class.

24/08/2023 BCOM “Debate”

Members of the Commerce Association organized

“ Debate” for TY. B.Com students

26/09/2023 BCOM Seminar on Gender Equality

Seminar on Gender Equality was organised for students by Women Empowerment Centre-Hirkani and Internal Compalint Committee (ICC) HNCC ,on 26 September, 2023.The seminar was organised with an objective to make students aware on issues related to Gender equality , gender sensitisation through discussions. Students presented their views on various issues on need for gender sensitisation, gender equality, status of women in the past and present. The event was attended by 141 students of BCom Program and was conducted under the guidance of Prin. Dr S K Shah , coordinated by Dr Smita Mayekar , Mrs Sandhya Katkam, Mrs, Shruti Chilka Mangalpalli and attended by faculty members . Read More...

21/09/2023 BCOM “Cleanliness is Service” Cleanliness Oath
18/09/2023 BCOM “Cleanliness is Service” Cleanliness Oath
08/09/2023 BCOM Art Circle Ganeshotsav: The five day Ganesh Utsav included various academic and artistic talents of students was celebrated between 19th Sep. to 23 Sept., 2023. Various competitions like Rangoli, painting, mehandi were also conducted.
05/09/2023 BBA Teachers Day Celebration BBA III students celebrated Teachers Day for all BBA Faculty Members.
31/08/2023 BCOM Entrepreneurship Development Cell -2023-24 Activities : Student presentation on Women Entrepreneur in Maharashtra- Mrs. Jayanti Kathare

31st August 2023 Miss. Shardha Nanvare form SY. B.Com prepared and presented a detail presentation on Women Entrepreneurship in Maharashtra – The Magician of Marathi Cuisine Mrs. Jayanti Kathare

29/08/2023 BCOM felicitation of former freedom fighters

"National Service Scheme" Department of Hirachand Nemchand of Commerce, Solapur and Gram Panchayat Musti under the initiative "My Soil, My Country" on 29/08/2023 organized a programme in association with Taluka South Solapur to felicitate former freedom fighters. At this time the villagers Mr. Ashok Kasture, Mr. Mahadev Murde, Shri. Buddha Gaikwad, Mrs. Girijabai Kalke and other Gram Panchayat members were present

29/08/2023 BCOM Handful Soil

Hirachand Nemchand of Commerce, Solapur "National Service Scheme" Department and Gram Panchayat Musti, under the initiative "My Soil, My Country" on 29/08/2023 "handful of soil" was collected from Musti village in an event organized in association with Taluka South Solapur. This soil was collected in a bag and sent to the National Service Scheme Department of the University. The program was successfully implemented. At this time the villagers Mr. Ashok Kasture, Mr. Mahadev Murde, Shri. Buddha Gaikwad, Mrs. Girijabai Kalke Gram Panchayat members and others were present

22/08/2023 BBA Guest Lecture on Careers in Design

Different career aspects in design were explored by Key Speaker - Mr. Dharmesh Tank , from BRDS, Solapur

18/08/2023 BCOM

Entrepreneurship Development Cell -2023-24 Activities Student Presentation on "SWOT Analysis"

18th August 2023 : - Members of ED Cell organized student presentation on SWOT Analysis. Where member students presented their views on SWOT Analysis and how to use SWOT analysis.

15/08/2023 BCOM

Certificate of Appreciation to NSS HNCC

Certificate of Appreciation -NSS HNCC for taking part in Meri Maati Mer Desh Programme 2023-24
15/08/2023 BCOM


Shramdan - 15th August 2023 “Cleanliness Program” on the occasion of Independence Day Flag Hoisting Program

14/08/2023 BCOM

“Har Ghar Tiranga”

On the occasion of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Quiz, Slogan, Patriotic song competition was organized under “Har Ghar Tiranga” initiative

14/08/2023 BCOM

Organ Donation Rally

Activity on YouTube

Link https://www.youtube.com/live/ILjSCEwyUW8?feature=share

12/08/2023 BCOM

Activity Yuva Netrutv Vikas Upakram

Yuva Netrutv Vikas Upakram: A guest lecture was organized on 12th September, 2023 in collaboration with Vivekanand Kendra, Kanyakumari, Solapur Branch. Mr. Prashant Swami, Vivekanand Kendra, Solapur addressed the students on developing the personality in present scenario keeping at centre the personality of Swami Vivekanand. Also he spoke on the importance of Yoga in our day-to-day life.
12/08/2023 BCOM

Vironko Naman Activity

On 12 August 2023, Meri Mati Mera Desh and Har Ghar - Tiranga Activity 2023, was celebrated under the initiative of Shri. Ashpak Tamboli (Agniveer)- N. C. C. Alumni Viroko Naman initiatve Captain Sandeep Patil, Prof. Ajit Devsale, Prof. BR Patil, Dr. Srinivas Jagtap. Number of students presented was 120 of which Boys 69 and Girls 51.
12/08/2023 BCA BCA Fresher's Party
10/08/2023 BCOM Certificate of Appreciation District Legal Service Authority, Solapur- For Transport and Road Safety Awareness Campaign (2023-24) Certificate of Appreciation for active participation in Helmet Rally organized by District Legal Service Authority, Solapur On 10th August 2023. Read more...
10/08/2023 BCOM Helmet Rally

Helmet Rally organized by District Legal Service Authority, Solapur On 10th August 2023. 13 students and 2 professors Dr, Shrinivas S. Jagtap and Prof. Sandeep Kasturkar participated in this rally.

09/08/2023 BCOM "Group Discussion" August 2023

Members of the Commerce Association organized Group Discussion for the final year students on 9th August 2023.

09/08/2023 BCOM Panchapran Oath On 9th August 2023, Panchapran Oath taken under the initiative "Majhi Mati, Maja Desh". Total Participants: 120 (89 Girls and 31 Boys)
05/08/2023 BCOM Activity Shikshak Din: shikshak Din is celebrated on the occasion of birthday of the former President of India Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. Students of our college celebrated Shikshak Din on 5th September, 2023 and expressed their gratitude towards teachers through felicitating all teaching staff with Books. To live the life of teachers, students themselves engaged various classes on the day.
04/08/2023 BCA Guest Lecture on "Career Opportunities in media and entertainment industry(Animation,VFX,Graphics and Web Design,Gaming)"
03/08/2023 BBA Guest lecture on "Study Abroad"

Guest lecture was organised for BBA III on "Study Abroad" by Ms. Snehalata Katakdhond (CEO and Founder), Ms. Aishwarya Katakdhond (Senior Counsellor), Ms. Arpita Hotkar (Junior Counsellor) from Rocket Abroad Education Consultancy.

22/07/2023 BCOM G-20-Youth Dialogue India @2047
03/07/2023 BCOM Rajmata Jijau Yuvati Self- Defense Training Programme
27/06/2023 BCOM Orientation Program on National Education Policy

An Orientation Program on National Education Policy was organized for B.Com Part- I (2023-24 Batch) students. Dr. S. K. Shah, Principal, H.N. College of Commerce, Solapur chaired the session and faculty member Dr. S. L. Biradar addressed the students on the new syllabus structure according to NEP. All students and their gaurdians present for the same. Dr. Smita Mayekar gave introductory speech. Mrs. S. S. Mangalapalli was the anchor of the session and Dr. S. S. Jagtap delivered vote of thanks.

26/06/2023 BCOM "Drug Free India" Fortnight was celebrated in college on 26th June, 2023
21/06/2023 BCOM Yoga-Day celebration
Activities conducted in 2022 - 23
Date Name of Department Type of Activity Photographs
16/05/2023 BCOM “Conservation of Energy Sources, Eco Friendly Lifestyle”

An expert lecture was organized on “Conservation of Energy Sources, Eco Friendly Lifestyle” by Dr. B. M. Swami of Walchand College of Arts and Sciences, Solapur. 43 members attended this expert lecture

31/03/2023 BCOM Industrial Visit and Interaction with Mr. Sumeet Munot (Alumini and Entrepreneur )

Students of Entrepreneurship Development Cell visited Sumeet Industries MIDC Akkalkot Road, Solapur and interacted with Mr. Sumeet Munot. He interacted with students and shared all his entrepreneurial experiences with students.

21/03/2023 BCOM Workshop on "Key to Learn English with Fun"

Brief Report The workshop on “Key to Learn English with Fun” was organized on 21st March, 2023to help students to overcome the fear of English language and to develop a love of English language. Mr. Nagraj Kharade, (Asst. Professor, A.G.Patil Institute, Solapur) addressed the audience in this regard and motivated students to participate in various group activities. Dr. Smita Mayekar was Convenor and Mr. Kamalakar Ruge was Coordinator of this event. 110 students actively participated in this workshop. Mr. Piyush Birru was master of the event and Miss. Aishwarya Goyal expressed vote of thanks. The program was attended by students of B Com Part I and II.

18/03/2023 BCOM

Industrial Visit

Industrial Visit of P.G. students was conducted to Srujan Foods(Parle G) and Dudh Pandhari to give practical experience of actual working system of business and to motivate them for own start ups.43 students participated in this activity.

13/03/2023 BCOM

NSS- 13 to 17th March 2023: State Level Camp- Leadership Development Camp at Nagpur University.

NSS Volunteer Mr. Aditya Loni form FY B. Com – A3 division got selected and successfully participated at Nagpur

27/02/2023 BCOM NSS Annual Residential Camp at Musti Village

NSS Annual Residential Camp at Musti Village Dist: Solapur NSS Annual Residential Camp was successfully completed at Musti Village. Several social activities were conducted like cleanliness, voter awareness, women empowerment, youth leadership development. 21 Students participated in this camp.

21/02/2023 BBA Annual Seminar on

"Insights of Indian Union Budget 2023-24"

Seminar was inaugurated by CA Girish Borgaonkar In technical session, CA Dhiraj Baldota and CA Shrirang Kulkarni delivered session on key aspects on the seminar theme. In students session, total 9 BBA students presented their research papers along with PPT on the seminar theme. At the end, in valedictory session, winners of presentation and organizing committee members were appreciated.
19/02/2023 BCOM Shivjayanti

Shivjayanti was celebrated in the college library to remember and learn from, the great work done by Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. 18 Boys and 12 Girls

17/02/2023 BCOM

Debate Competition

A debate competition was conducted on the topic "Use of Mobile" In which Two Groups were participated explaining pros and cons of use of mobile.

16/02/2023 B.COM.

Business Quiz Competition 2023

Business Quiz Competition organized by Commerce Lab on 16th February 2023

14/02/2023 BCOM Donations to Orphanage

Donations to Orphanage- 2 Water Jars were donated to “Matoshri Orphanage” in Solapur City by Prin. Dr. S. K. Shah donated on the occasion of his birthday.

14/02/2023 BCOM Mock Interviews

The real experience of mock interviews has been given to students for building confidence among them and to face the interviews in future competently

10/02/2023 BBA

Guest Lecture on Logistics Management

Mr. Krishna Kumar Kabra, Project Manager (Customer Solutions) Integrated Logistics (4PL) Kuehne + Nagel S.a.r.l Luxembourg Delivered his session about Logistics and Career Opportunities in Logistics Management. He focused on various areas of logistics such as Transportation, Warehousing, E-Commerce Giants, Custom Cleraing Houses, Frieght Forwarding etc. Total 180 students were present for the session.

08/02/2023 BBA

Hirakani- Rangostav Workshop

A 5 days Rangoli Making workshop "Rangostav" under Hirakani Women Empowerment Cell was arranged from 03/02/2023 to 08/02/2023. Total 20 girls enrolled for this under the mentoring of Mrs. Priyanka Kurle madam. Workshop ended with Grand Rangoli infront of MBA build by all participants and appreciation of all participants. Read more...

06/02/2023 BCOM

Lokshahi Pandharwada

Student Presentations were undertaken to create awareness about voting power among the students.

25/01/2023 B.COM

Lokshi Fornight and National Voters Day

25th January to 10th February 2023 : Lokshi Fornight and National Voters Day Various competitions were organized like easy and group discussions to promote and motivate the students to vote and promote other to vote for a better democracy and good governance. 71 Girls and 30 Boys for the time period.

25/01/2023 B.COM.

NSS- Shramdan (श्रमदान) -2023

On the occasion of Republic Day 26th January 2023, one day before on 25th January 2023, NSS volunteers cleaned college ground. Read more...

25/01/2023 B.COM.

NSS Democracy Fortnight – 26th January to 10th February 2023 & National Voter`s Day

NSS Democracy Fortnight – 26th January to 10th February 2023 & National Voter`s Day. New Voter Awareness was made through activities and competitions like 1) Student Presentations 2) Group Discussions 3) Debate and other activities Read more...

20/01/2023 MBA

Hands on Experience in Electro 2023

Solapur Electronics Dealers Association (SEDA) organizes an Promotion-Cum-Sale Exhibition 'Electro' and management students seek an opportunity to be part of the event as Event Co-Ordinator's and Sales Persons. Electro 2023 was conducted during 24 to 30th Jan . 2023 in which 150 Student MBA and BBA participated and sought practical exposure of dealing with customers and undergoing salesmanship hands on experience. These students were provided with product and salesmanship training by the vendors before the exhibition and then they implemented their knowledge in the sales process during the exhibition. All students were provided Certificate of Appreciation for their volunteered participation in the event.


02/01/2023 BCOM

Utkrash State Level Cultural Competition

In Utkrash State Level Cultural Competition NSS volunteer Miss. Monika Patil from TY. B.Com got selected in the team of PAH Solapur University for Utkrash State Level Cultural Competition. PAH Solapur University secured 3rd rank in this competition.

29/12/2022 MBA

Guest Lecture on Entrepreneurship Development under ED Cell

Innovation and Design Thinking

28/12/2022 B.COM.

रक्तदान शिबिर २८ डिसेंबर २०२२ -राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना

राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना, हिराचंद नेमचंद कॉलेज ऑफ कॉमर्स, सोलापूर, वालचंद कॉलेज ऑफ आर्ट्स ऍण्ड सायन्स सोलापूर, व रक्तपेढी, श्री. छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज सर्वोपचार रुग्णालय सोलापूर यांच्या संयुक्त विद्यमाने बुधवार, दि. २८ डिसेंबर २०२२ रोजी, सकाळी ९. ०० ते ४.०० वाजेपर्यंत, वालचंद सभागृह येथे रक्तदान शिबिराचे आयोजन करण्यात आले. सदर शिबिरामध्ये १२३ रक्तदात्यानी रक्तदान केले.


23/12/2022 BCOM

Mock Interviews

Mock Interviews -10 mock interviews were conducted by Program Officer Dr. Shrinivas S. Jagtap in the college to give students interview experience s that they can identify their area for improvements and improve accordingly.

23/12/2022 MBA

Guest Lecture on the topic 'Changing Business Environment and Opportunities in Solapur'  by Mr. Anish Sahastrabuddhe.

23/12/2022 B.COM.

Mock Interview for Commerce Students

Mock Interviews were conducted by NSS Coordinator Dr. S.S. Jagtap in T.Y. B.Com and F.Y.B.Com Classes with objective of Skill Development and Personality Development.

Read more....
21/12/2022 MBA

Inauguration of the HR Association 'SAHARA' & Guest Lecture

The students with the HR specialisation formed the membership under SAHARA association (HR Association) and inaugurated the session followed by the arrangement of guest lecture for all the students of MBA. The inauguration was done by the guest cum key speaker Mr. Bharat Vedpathak, Head-Human Resource in Laxmi Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd., Solapur on dated 21/12/2022. The association members have also started with the Insta page to promote the HR concepts and enrich students in the field of HRM.

19/12/2022 BCOM Oral Presentations

Oral Presentations of B.Com Ist year students were conducted on the topic 'Marketing Strategies' to improve presentation skills among them

14/12/2022 MBA

MASTER (Marketing Association) Inauguration

MASTER Marketing Students' Association was inaugurated by Mr. Amar Sachdev who is an owner of S S Communication, Solapur. Marketing students have joined association as a member and organized inauguration ceremony .

13/12/2022 MBA

MASTER - Marketing Association of Students for Talent and Effort Recognition

Inauguration of Marketing Association was organized on 13th Dec. 2022 at MBA Seminar Hall.
Mr. Amar Sachdev, Owner - S.S.Communications, Solapur was the chief guest for this event.
He guided students on the topic 'Marketing Strategies adoplted by various Companies'.
Students of Marketing Association gave information about the platform made available and objectives of association.

11/12/2022 BCOM

Career Awareness Programme

'Career awareness programme -Career as a company secretary' of U.G. students was undertaken in which 'CS Yuvraj Badavane' was key speaker. More than 150 students were attended the programme.

10/12/2022 Non-grant

HNCC - SFI Ppt on topic: *Figures of Speech* By- 1.Anisha Kabane 2. Madiha Mulla 3. Kartiki Shahane 4. Shubha Pantoji 5. Laxmikant Jatti 6. Md. Ali Shaikh 7.Ankush Madgundi 8.Aditya Chilwant Guided & Organised By - Mrs. Bayas S.R.

09/12/2022 Non-grant HNCC -SFI

✨𝕶𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖆✨ *By* *D̤̮r̤̮. D̤̮i̤̮p̤̮t̤̮i̤̮ D̤̮e̤̮s̤̮h̤̮p̤̮a̤̮n̤̮d̤̮e̤̮* 𝙱.𝙰.𝙼.𝚂. 𝙳𝚒𝚙𝚕𝚘𝚖𝚊 𝚒𝚗 𝚈𝚘𝚐𝚊 , 𝙰𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚊 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚢 & 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙿𝚜𝚢𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚢

Points Covered -Emotional Intelligence -Reasons for Low EI -Food Which developes EI -Development of EI -Awarness of Social Intelligence -Anger Issues -Food For Your mood

26/11/2022 BCOM

Constitution Day

Constitution Day was celebrated with Preamble reading and taking Group Discussion activity. Also a Constitution Day was celebrated in association with District Legal Services Authority, Solapur at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Statue near Solapur Municipal Corporation, Solapur City. 16 Boys and 9 Girls.

26/11/2022 BBA

A guest lecture on 'Resume Writing' by Mr. Aftab Azim was organised for BBA III students

26/11/2022 Non-grant

*HNCC-SFI* *𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝕯𝖆𝖞* By 11th CA professional batch ."𝒯𝒽𝓮 𝒞𝓸𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓉𝓊𝓉𝒾𝓸𝓃 𝒟𝒶𝓎 - 𝓸𝓇 '𝒮𝒶𝓂𝓋𝒾𝒹𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝒟𝒾𝓋𝒶𝓈' - 𝒾𝓈 𝒸𝓮𝓁𝓮𝒷𝓇𝒶𝓉𝓮𝒹 𝓸𝓃 𝒩𝓸𝓋𝓮𝓂𝒷𝓮𝓇 26 𝓉𝓸 𝒸𝓸𝓂𝓂𝓮𝓂𝓸𝓇𝒶𝓉𝓮 𝓉𝒽𝓮 𝒶𝒹𝓸𝓅𝓉𝒾𝓸𝓃 𝓸𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝓮 𝒞𝓸𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓉𝓊𝓉𝒾𝓸𝓃 𝓸𝒻 𝓘𝓃𝒹𝒾𝒶. 𝒪𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒹𝒶𝓎, 𝓉𝒽𝓮 𝒞𝓸𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓉𝓊𝓮𝓃𝓉 𝒜𝓈𝓈𝓮𝓂𝒷𝓁𝓎 𝓸𝒻 𝓘𝓃𝒹𝒾𝒶 𝒶𝒹𝓸𝓅𝓉𝓮𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝓮 𝒞𝓸𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓉𝓊𝓉𝒾𝓸𝓃"

Read more....

15/11/2022 BCOM

National Integration camp (NIC)

15th -21st November 2022- National Integration camp (NIC) – Student Selection. Mr. Sriraj Bura form HNCC- NSS second year got selected and successfully completed National Integration camp (NIC) in Gana Ganga Campus, Gulbarga University, Kalaburgi from 15th -21st November 2022.

15/11/2022 B.COM.

NSS- National Integration Camp Selection and Successful completion. Congratulations to Mr. Sriraj Bura of TY.B.Com for his selection in National Integration Camp

NSS- National Integration Camp Selection and Successful completion. Congratulations to Mr. Sriraj Bura of TY.B.Com for his selection in National Integration Camp held at Gulbarga Guniversity, Kalburgi, Karnataka from 15th to 21st November 2022.


17/11/2022 MBA

Indistrial Visit

Industrial visit was organized for MBA-II students to Adagatla Textiles, Solapur. The purpose was to make students aware about functioning and management of the organization. In all 85 students and two faculties have visited the organization.

01/11/2022 BCOM

New Voter Registration

1November and 31 December 2022: New Voter Registration More than 250 students from Commerce and Management Department have registered their names in voter list. Some students used online mode to registered their names in the voter list. 148 Girls and 102 Boys.

30/10/2022 BCOM

National Unity Day

National Unity Day celebrated on 31st October 2022 to remember Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel`s contribution to nation, on his birth anniversary. 13 Boys and 8 Girls.

21/10/2022 BCOM

Gandhi Jayanti and Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti

Gandhi Jayanti and Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti was celebrated in college library. 10 Boys and 5 Girls.

20/10/2022 BCOM

Voter Awareness Activity

Voter Awareness Activity were conducted to increase the voter awareness amongst new voters in the college. Activity objectives were to motivate students to vote. 26 Girls and 14 Boys.
20/10/2022 BCOM

Plastic Collection Drive in College Campus

Plastic Collection Drive in College Campus: 28 Girls and 12 Boys. in this plastic collection drive in college campus. Students cleaned commerce building, library, and parking area.

19/10/2022 B.COM.

Commerce Association – Student Power Point Presentation on Case Study of Nestle

Commerce Association – Student from B.Com-I Power Point Presentation on Case Study of Nestle on 19th October 2022

19/10/2022 B.COM.

Commerce Association – Student Power Point Presentation in team on Financial Crises of 2007-08

Commerce Association – Student Power Point Presentation in team on Financial Crises of 2007-08. Details of Financial Crises of 2007-08 were presented by students.

19/10/2022 B.COM.

Entrepreneurship Development- ED Cell - Student PPT

Students from B. Com-I have made Power Point Presentation on Lessons from Amazon`s success story

19/10/2022 B.COM.

NSS- Plastic Collection

HNCC - NSS volunteers have collected plastic from college campus

Date : 19th and 20th October,2022

09/10/2022 BBA

Mind Heist 2022

A College level (Inter-sectional)- Quiz Competition was arranged by BBA section, in which total 32 teams participated in quiz. A selection test was conducted followed by 7 final rounds. Winners and Participants were appreciated at the end of quiz.


04/10/2022 B.COM.

सामान संधी केंद्र - सेवा पंधरवडा मार्गदर्शन कार्यक्रम

सामान संधी केंद्र - सेवा पंधरवडा मार्गदर्शन कार्यक्रम - प्रमुख पाहुणे- श्री. सचिन कवले ( माजी विदयार्थी)- संशोधन अधिकारी, जिल्हा जात पडताळणी समिती, सोलापूर, महाराष्ट्र

03/10/2022 B.COM.

Commerce Association – Student Poster Presentation on Digital Marketing on 3rd October 2022

Commerce Association – Student Poster Presentation in teams on Digital Marketing on 3rd October 2022

02/10/2022 B.COM.

NSS- Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti 2nd October 2022

30/09/2022 BCOM Karya Prasiddhi Saptah Karya Prasiddhi Saptah (24th Sept., to 2nd October, 2022) Student Presentation. 10 boys and 21 girl students participated in this event.
30/09/2022 Management Studies Dandiya 2022

On the occasion of Navratri, Dandiya Event was organised , in which all sections of Management studies participated, i.e. (BBA, BCA and MBA).

27/09/2022 B.COM.

NSS- सेवा पंधरवडा व राष्ट्रीय पोषण माह कार्यक्रम

24/09/2022 B.COM. NSS Foundation Day Celebration -24th September 2022

NSS Foundation Day Celebrated on 24th September 2022. Dr. S. L. Biradar (Ex. NSS. Program Officer) guided the students on opportunities in NSS with help of Power Point Presentation.

21/09/2022 B.COM.

NSS - राष्ट्रीय पोषण माह - सप्टेंबर २०२२ जनजागृती कार्यक्रम - प्रश्नमंजुषा

NSS- राष्ट्रीय पोषण माह - सप्टेंबर २०२२ जनजागृती कार्यक्रम - प्रश्नमंजुषा (Quiz)

17/09/2022 BCOM Rashtriya Poshan Mah Celebration Rashtriya Poshan Mah Celebration Debate and Group Discussion was organized in the B.Com Section, 60 students participated in these activities.

17/09/2022 B.COM

NSS - Cleanliness Drive at Bhuikot Fort- active participation in Cleanliness Drive by Solapur Municipal Corporation and NSS- PAH Solapur University on 17 September 2022

14/09/2022 BBA Hindi Day Celebration

On 14-09-2022 Hindi Day was celebrated by BBA students in which they presented various Poems , Speeches, Moral / Lesson oriented Skits were presented in HINDI language. The event was organised to create awareness and practice Hindi Language.

05/09/2022 BBA

Teacher's Day

On the occasion of Teacher's Day, BBA III students took lecture on junior classes also an fun activity was arranged by BBA I students for all teachers.


03/09/2022 BBA

Henna- Mehendi Competition

On the occasion of Ganesh Festival "Henna" College level Mehandi Competition was arranged by BBA Section. In this, total 70 students participated. The competition was judged by Ms. Dimple Jain (Mehandi Expert). Top 7 designs were selected and awarded. Read more...

01/09/2022 BCA

Independence Day

Venue: Shri Krishna Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Sanchalit, Solapur Shri Ganpatrao Hanchate Magaswargiy Mulanche Vastigruh,Solapur

30/08/2022 BCA Fresher's and Friendship Day
29/08/2022 BCOM
Group Activity In Fy B.com to all class
Group activity was held on the date of 29/8/2022, the activity was conducted with 3 rounds in which
1st Round:- Guess the Tagline
2nd Round:- Guess the Logo
3rd Round:- Memory Game
27/08/2022 BCA

A Seminar On "SAP-ABAP"

SAP is one of the world’s leading producers of software for the management of business processes, developing solutions that facilitate effective data processing and information flow across organisations

26/08/2022 BCOM Rally – Road Safety This rally was organized by Solapur District Legal Services Authority and Solapur RTO Office. 30 Students participated in this rally. 18 Girls and 12 Boys.
25/08/2022 BBA Seminar on Digital Marketing

BBA section conducted a seminar on Careers in Digital Marketing. It was inaugurated by Dr. Shama Kadadi. Mr. Abhishek Joshi and Mrs. Aditi Joshi were key speakers for this seminar. They gave key inputs on various career opportunities in the field of Digital Marketing for students.

20/08/2022 BCOM Rapid Fire

S.Y. B.com students were conducted ' Activity -Rapid Fire' on 20th August 2022. In this activity questions were asked in Rapid fire way on general knowledge, the whole class was participated in this and each row was considered as a group, in which a total of 5 groups participated and group A won.

17/08/2022 BCOM Website Registration

Indian Swachhata League -Solapur Municipal Corporation, Solapur SOLAPUR SWACHHATA SUPERSTARS team. 31 students registered from the college. 21 Girls and 10 Boys.

17/08/2022 BCOM Common National Anthem

Common National Anthem, as per the government directives this function was organized in the college campus jointly with Walchand College of Arts and Science.

15/08/2022 BCOM Flag Distribution and Awareness

Flag Distribution and Awareness in Limbichincholi village Dist- Solapur. Dr. S. S. Jagtap and NSS Committee members participated in this event. 05 members were there.

15/08/2022 BBA Human Chain on Independence Day

On the occasion of 75th Independence day of our country, students formed a human chain in the shape of "75" as a tribute to Nation.

15/08/2022 BCA  Independence Day http://hnccsolapur.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/IMG-20220815-WA0026-Dr.-Rajni-Kshirsagar.jpg http://hnccsolapur.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/IMG-20220815-WA0026-Dr.-Rajni-Kshirsagar.jpg
14/08/2022 BCOM Award from Patanjali Yogpeeth and Dream Foundation

NSS Program Officer Award to Dr. Shrinivas S. Jagtap Award from Patanjali Yogpeeth and Dream Foundation, Solapur to Dr. Shrinivas S. Jagtap as Program Officer.

13/08/2022 BBA Freshivista- Fresher's Party & Friendship Day

To welcome new freshers and to celebrate Frienship's Day, on 13-08-2022 "Freshivista" was organised by BBA section. Various fun oriented games and activities were arranged for the entertainment of students.


12/08/2023 BBA Azadi ke Rang - Independence Day

On the occasion of 75th Independence day, Azadi Ke rang a theme based dressing competition was arranged by BBA section in which, 11 students participated and presented their dressing with 2 minutes act in front of all students. Read more...

12/08/2023 B.COM. New Voter Registration Nov/Dec 2022 More than 250 students from Commerce and Management Department have registered their names in voter list.


10/08/2022 BCOM Cycle Rally Cycle Rally organized by NSS Department PAH Solapur University, Solapur. 48 Girls and 27 Boys.
08/08/2022 BCOM Azadi Ka Amrit Muhotsav celebrated with different competitions. Following competitions and activities were organized, Essay Writing, Poster, Rangoli, Common National Anthem, Group Discussion, Quiz Competition, Elocution and Debate, Cycle Rally, Flag Distribution and Awareness in Adopted Village -Limbichincholi, Common National Anthem, Cleanliness Activity in college campus. 449 girls and 300 Boys for the total time period.
08/08/2022 BBA Orientation Programme On 08-08-2022 an orientation programme was arranged for BBA I Fresher batch to make them familiar with college and academic details. It was conducted by Dr. P.V. Dolas (HOD, Mgt Dept, HNCC)
 06/08/2022 BCA  Induction Program
21/07/2022 BCOM Swachatta Pakhwada

7 to 13th June: Swachatta Pakhwada (Cleanliness Activity/Drive) was organized in this time period in the college campus. 18 Girls and 12 Boys.

18/07/2022 BCOM NSS ETI Training

Dr. S. S. Jagtap successfully completed NSS ETI Training at Ahemadnagar, Maharashtra.

15/07/2022 MBA Guest Lecture by Mr. Vishal Sonawane ( Founder - Phoenix Digital Media) on 15 July 2022 on 'Social Media Marketing'
Activities conducted in 2021 - 22
Date Name of Department Type of Activity Photographs
21/06/2022 BCOM

International Yoga Day

International Day of Yoga, Dr. Navraj Kaldate was the guide for this event. 37 Girls and 21 Boys.

16/06/2022 MBA

Guest Lecture on Laws and Rights against Sexual Harrasment by Adv. Kinagi

Guest Lecture was arranged for all the Students on 'Laws and Rights against Sexual Harrasment' under Vishakha Committee. This committee aims to prevent sexual harassment, promote well being of all the female students and staff members and create a gender sensitized community within campus as well as in the society. The guest speaker for this session Adv. Kinagi made all students to know the laws which supports the females against Sexual Harrasment.

11/06/2022 BCOM

World Population Day

DLSA Hon. Shri Narendra Joshi, Adv. Devyani Kingi were the chief guest for this function. They guided the students on the above topic. 79 Girls and 41 Boys.

06/06/2022 BCOM

Shivswarajya Din

Shivswarajya Din celebrated Mr. A. G. devsale guided the students on this occasion. 16 Girls and 14 boys. Shivswarajya Din celebrated Mr. A. G. devsale guided the students on this occasion. 16 Girls and 14 boys.

03/06/2022 B.COM.

World Bicycle Day - Bicycle Rally - Organized by NSS

In associtation with DIstrict Legal Service Authority, Solapur on 3rd June 2022. From Solapur District Court to Solapur Railway Station
30/05/2022 BCOM

Webinar on Yoga

Webinar on Yoga Dr. Navraj Kaldate and Mr. Abhijeet Kothadiya guided the students on this occasion. 20 Girls and 13 Boys.
30/05/2022 B.COM.

Vidyanjali Campaign 2021-22

14/05/2022 Junior Non-grant

Seminar on Career Opportunities in Commerce

Scope of Commerce in Professional studies such as CA CS, CMA, MBA, MCA, Law
14/05/2022 B.COM.

HIRA Presenter 2022 (*Offline this Year*)

Commerce Association and NSS Unit Presents *10th Annual Group PPT Competition* “UPI - Payment System” Read more...
07/05/2022 B.COM.

Poster Presentation Competition and Competition on Review of Shakespeare's Works

The chief guest of the program was Prof. Dr. M. P. Joshi, Vice Principal of Walchand College of Arts and Science, Solapur and the Prin. Dr. S. K. Shaha chaired the program. The topics for poster presentation were: 1. Significance of English language in 21st century 2. English as a global language 3. Shakespeare and his works 4. Shakespearean Theatre Total 14 posters and 7 review contents were received from the students of 12th, B.com and BCA classes.

06/05/2022 BBA

Industrial Visit

On 6th May, 2022 an Industrial Visit was arranged for BBA students at Adgatala Textiles, MIDC, Solapur. The students learnt about Terry Towel manufacturing process at this unit. All departments and its working was shown during visit. Students asked different questions related to the visit.

06/05/2022 B.COM.

A Quiz on Economics and Banking

Quiz refers to short test of knowledge with question formats often including multiple choice, fill in the blanks, true or false, and short answer.

01/05/2022 B.COM.
Guest Lecture
Guest lecture was organized on "Stress management and mental well being" by Dr. Nihar Burte and Mrs. Namita Patil under Internal Complaint Committee
25/04/2022 M.COM.
State Level Webinar on “Ethics in Research Writings and Publications”
A State Level Webinar on Ethics in Research Writings and Publications has been organized on 25th and 26th April, 2022 on Monday and Tuesday through Google meet platform.
19/04/2022 BBA
Industrial Visit
On 19th April, 2022 an Industrial Visit was arranged for BBA students at Uniform Express Apparels LLP, MIDC, Solapur. The students learnt about Garment (Uniform) manufacturing process at this unit. Various departments were shown, machines & equipment were explained. Students got practical exposure to learning while visit to this unit.
18/04/2022 M.COM.
Webinar on "Career as a Company Secretary"
Webinar is Organised jointly by Institute of Company Secretary of India and Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce. Read more...
14/04/2022 BCOM
Dr Babashaeb Ambedkar Jayanti
Dr Babashaeb Ambedkar Jayanti celeberated in college Library. 24 Girls and 16 Boys.
13/04/2022 BCOM
Guest Lecture on Dr Babashaeb Ambedkar
Chief Guest: Dr. Datta Waghmare from Kasturbai College of Education. 78 Girls and 42 boys.
12/04/2022 BCOM
College Campus Cleanliness Activity/Drive
65 students have participated in this College Campus Cleanliness activity. NSS volunteers cleaned college ground. 42 Girls and 23 Boys.
11/04/2022 M.COM.
National Level E-Workshop on “Quantitative Research”
A National Level E-Workshop on Quantitative Research has been organized on 11th and 12th April, 2022 on Monday and Tuesday through Google meet platform.
09/04/2022 BBA
A guest lecture on 'MBA CET-CAT Preparation' by Mr. Anand Joshi, TIME was organised for BBA III and II yr students.
09/04/2022 BCA
Annual Seminar On "Digital Image Processing"
Chief Guest: Mr.R. Kodmur
Key Speaker 1: Dr. R.Mente
Key Speaker 2: Mr. A. Patil
Digital image processing is the use of a digital computer to process digital images through an algorithm. As a subcategory or field of digital signal processing, digital image processing has many advantages over analog image processing.
31/03/2022 B.COM.
Blood Donation Camp
NSS) Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce, Solapur in association with Walchand Collgege of Arts and Science and Dr Hedgewar Blood Bank, Solapur Jointly organized Blood Donation Camp on Date: 31st March 2022, We have received 78 Blood Donation in this camp. Read more....
31/03/2022 BBA
A guest lecture on 'Careers In Design' by Mr. Dharmesh Tank was organised for BBA students.
26/03/2022 BBA
Jidnyasaa- 20th BBA Annual Seminar on 'Investment Awareness & Career Opportunities in Mutual Fund'
20th BBA Annual Seminar was arranged on 26/03/2022 on “Investment Awareness and Career Opportunities in Mutual Fund”. It was inaugurated by Mr. Narayan Sindhee (Jyoti Financial Services, Solapur). Two key speakers- Mr. Vinod Kungiri (Broker, Sharekhan, Solapur) and Mr. Vinod Malpuri (Branch Manager, HDFC AMC, Solapur) covered different aspects of the seminar theme. Total 14 BBA students presented their Research Papers in students’ session, it was judged by Mr. Santosh Gavkar (Wealth Gain Financial Services, Solapur)
19/03/2022 Junior Grant
Guest lecture on 'Career opportunity in foreign banks' by Miss Shrutika Bhattad
A guest lecture was arranged to guide our students to get a job in foreign banks. How to secure a place in foreign banks.
16/03/2022 Junior Grant
Women's Day Activity
Celebrated International Women's Day 2022 in presence of the Chief Guest Dr. Kalpana Sachin Pandhare and Hon. Principal Dr. Satyajeet K. Shah with the teaching faculties and girl students.
12/03/2022 BCA आदिशक्ती The women's day celebration that is "आदिशक्ती" was organised by BCA department on 12 March 2022. There were 2 competitions that is Presentation competition and Speech competition. All the students were traditionally dressed. Chief guest Mrs. Manjusha Gadgil mam also expressed their views on the auspicious occasion. Eventually the event was very cheerful. Read more....
09/03/2022 M.COM. Entrepreneurship Development Cell 2021-22 Class presentations -" E-Commerce"

Online class presentation were organized on the topic E-Commerce to which 8 teams participated and jury was Mrs. Vaishnavi Mushan

08/03/2022 BBA Hirakani - Meet the Press Competition On the occasion of International Women’s Day (8/3/2022) BBA section had arranged ‘Pratibha- Show Your Charisma’- A meet the press competition under Hirakani – Woman Empowerment Centre. Total 13 BBA students participated and presented different characters. The competition was judged by Mr. Sachin Jawalkote (Editor, Lokmat Solapur). Read more....
28/02/2022 B.COM HNCC Commerce Association and Internal Complaint Committee & District Legal Services Authority, Solapur Jointly organized Guest Lecture and Webinar on Date and Time: 28th February 2022, Time: 8.30 am Venue: Classroom No – 01 for offline Students and Google Meet Platform for online students Key Speakers Hon. Shri. Shashikant Mokashi (CJSD) Adv. Devyani Kinagi (Panel Advocate) Read more...
26/02/2022 B.COM Faculty Development Program - A Workshop on Documenting Learning Objectives and Outcomes

A Workshop on "Documenting Learning Objective and Outcomes" jointly organised by Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce, Solapur and Walchand College of Arts and Science, Solapur on 26 February, 2022. The Resource Person of the workshop was Prof. Dr. Deepak Nanaware, D.A.V. Velankar College of Commerce, Solapur

26/02/2022 BCA Keys for TCS NQT In the activity we have explained all the terms related to the TCS NQT in detail, like it's selection process, it's syllabus, its examination pattern and many such things.
21/02/2022 B.COM Entrepreneurship Development Cell -2021-22 Class Presentation on “Lessons from Successful Entrepreneurs” Date: 21st February 2022. Time: 9.00 a.m Venue: Class Room No-01, HNCC, Commerce Building. Solapur For more details click here ...
18/02/2022 B.COM Entrepreneurship Development Cell -2021-22 Inter Class Quiz Competition On the subject "Entrepreneurship" Date: 18th February 2022. Time: 8.30 a.m Venue: Class Room No-01, HNCC, Commerce Building. Read more...
14/02/2022 B.COM. Webinar on "Consumerism, How to Manage Money and be a Smart Investor"Date and Time: 14th February 2022, 09:00 AM Platform: Google Meet Key Note Address: Session-I: T R Pandey (Project Manager CGSI) -on Consumerism Sessin-II:-Mrs. Indumati S Gangannavar (Financial Advisor)- Financial Literacy. 462 students have attended this webinar. Read more
08/02/2022 MBA
Learning about your X Factor for achieving more
Mr. Manoj Jain, Businessman and motivational speaker form Surat guided MBA students in an online session
05/02/2022 Junior Non-Grant Company Operations * ✨𝕶𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖆✨ - _Multiplying the Vitamin of Knowledge_ *Company Operations* By *CS Kalyani Shirode* 🔹Coverage of Points🔹 📍How company is registered 📍Naming of company 📍MOA 📍Legal structure 📍Many More.......
29/01/2022 Junior Non-Grant Knowledge Mania -Multiplying the vitamin of Knowledge Magical Tricks in Mathematics
27/01/2022 M.B.A. Weekly Activity MBA I students have organised a weekly activity namely "Smart Phone Era" on 27/01/2022. This group was representing the sector- Mobiles And Accessories and the name of the group is 'Quiz Masters'. The members of Quiz Masters conducted the activity on mobile manufacturers representing Samsung Group. The activity was conducted online on Google meet. 8 students participated form innovators division to organise this activity. For more details click here
20/01/2022 MBA Startup Ecosystem - National Startup Day' Under ED Cell - Udyamsheel

CA Mr. Mayur Mantri, Pune addressed students on the occasion of 'National Startup Day'. He emphasised points on role of early stage startup founders, importance of startups in economy, top successful and failed startups, Government initiatives, policies and support towards promotion of startups and industry, simplification of process and development, improvement of global innovation index and ease of doing business in India, etc.He extended his support in evaluating feasibility of business ideas from students and how to seek funding from investors and benefit of Government schemes for a startup.The session gave important insights to students regarding taking up Entrepreneurship as a Career and motivated students to think of innovation and innovative start-ups.

20/01/2022 B.COM. Webinar on "Banking of a Company" 20th January 2022, Time: 12.10p.m, Google Meet Platform CS Kalyani Shirode from Pune was the resource person for the webinar; she guided the different aspects of banking related to a company. 203 Students have attended this function. Read more
12/01/2022 B.COM. Poster and Essay Competition  on "Gender Sensatization"
24/12/2021 B.COM. NSS Cleanliness Drive in College Campus “Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav” NSS Cleanliness Drive in College Campus- Commerce Building
31/10/2021 B.COM. NSS- National Unity Day - India- was celebrated on 31st October 2021 NSS- National Unity Day - India- was celebrated on 31st October 2021 by NSS Volunteers in Commerce College Library.
30/10/2021 BBA

Jidnyasaa- 19th BBA Annual Seminar on 'Emerging Trends in Small & Medium Enterprises'

19th BBA Annual Seminar was arranged on "Emerging Trends in Small & Medium Enterprises" on 30/10/2021. In the Technical session Mr. Amit Chandak, Shrinath Cotfab, Business Partner, Solapur and Mr. Himanshu Mehta, Director at IBME, Pune shared their views on Small & Medium Enterprises Sector. In Second session 11 students of BBA-II & III presented their paper on theme. This session was chaired by Mr. Rohit Rathi, Rathi Overseas, Solapur. Also PPT Competition was organized in which 16 students had participated.

27/10/2021 B.COM. Corona Vaccination Drive and Awareness Camp Corona Vaccination Drive and Awareness Camp on 27th October 2021
26/10/2021 B.COM. NSS- Colllege clealiness Drive on 26th October 2021 NSS- Colllege clealiness Drive- MBA Building Area, n 26th October 2021 by NSS Volunteers
25/10/2021 MBA
Entrepreneur -   Being Atmanirbhar 
Prof. Anil Ankulkar guided MBA students in an online session on the topic entrepreneurship
16/10/2021 MBA ITR Filing Workshop

CA Mr. Anand Chandak, Managing Prtner of CAK & Associates LLP, Pune shared information regarding filing of ITR for individuals and small Businesses. The concept of IT, ITR, PAN card, IT Protal Computation of Total and Taxable Income, Residential status of an Assessee Meaning and Iclusions in Salary, House Property and income and deductions from house property, Presumptive taxation scheme, capital gains, etc. were discussed. Comparision of Old and new tax regime was also done. Later e-Filing of ITR on new Income Tax Portal 'www.incometax.gov.in' where all the steps from New Registration of PAN for creating login to e-verification of return was demonstrated live and students doubts were clarified. Around 80 students attended the workshop and became aware of the ITR filing process and related concepts.

14/10/2021 BBA

A guest lecture for BBA II was arranged on Intellectual Property Rights on 14/10/2021 by Mrs. Sunita Sidhani (Asst. Prof at SIA College of Higher Education, Washim, Maharashtra) in which 120 students attended online guest lecture. In this she explained basics of IPR and its importance for businesses. Students got the key inputs of the IPR and its application in the industry.

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09/10/2021 MBA Guest Lecture on Talent Management by Mr. Onkar Kukde

Online guest lecture was arranged for the students of MBA on the topic Talent Management through a guest speaker Mr Onkar Kukde, Sr.HR Manager. Total 71 students attended the session. The session helped students to gain expertise in the field of Human Resource Management

01/10/2021 B.COM. 1st October 2021: Webinar on – Role of Education in Nation Building

Dr. Sunil More from Deshbhakt Sambhajirao Garad Mahavidyalaya, Mohol was the resource person for this webinar. He guided the students on importance of quality education in nation building. This webinar was conducted on Google Meet. 163 students have attended this webinar.

Click here to read more
24/09/2021 B.COM. 24th September 2021 Webinar on - NSS Foundation Day Celebration

Dr. B. N. Kamble, Principal V. G. Shivdare College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Solapur was the resource person for the webinar. This webinar was jointly organized in association with Shivdare College. The guest gave information regarding NSS to students. This webinar was conducted on Youtube Live with 1410 views.

Click here for more details
11/09/2021 B.COM. NSS Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav Fit India Freedom Run- 11th September 2021 Read more
05/09/2021 B.COM. NSS  Majhi Vasundhara Abhiyan and Teachers Day-Guest Lecture. Mr. Ajit Devsale, Solapur For more details
15/08/2021 B.COM. NSS Poetry Recitation Competition - on Patriotism Read more
15/08/2021 B.COM. NSS Debate, Essay and Poetry Recitation Competition - on Patriotism -15th Aug 2021 Read more 
Activities conducted in 2020 - 21
Date Name of Department Type of Activity Photographs
31/07/2021 M.B.A. Summer Internship Nagesh Dasari from MBA-Iworked with Bharti Airtel Ltd., M&G circle as a Summer Intern on the Topic To understand Prepaid Sales ecosystem, drive MNPs and analyze the reasons behind a site being LRLU
30/06/2021 M.B.A. Guest Lecture on Effective Ciomminication Skills by Mr. Robert Gauder nder the MoU of Origin Entreprises- Guest Lecture on Effective Communication Skills by Mr. Robert Gauder
19/06/2021 B. Com. National Reading Day  Key Speaker: Dr. Manohar Joshi Vice- Principal – Art Section, Walchand College of Arts and Science, Solapur guided the students on the importance of reading and communication. He also emphasizes on online reading also in the pandemic period. Principal Dr. S. K. Shah motivated the students for online and offline reading. Mr. Ajit Devsale has introduced the session and Dr. Shrinivas S Jagtap has introduced the guest. Mr. Onkar Sutar SY. B.Com presented vote of thanks and Miss. Snehal Dange (FY.B Com) has anchored the session. Click here to read report
13/06/2021 All Departments Orientation Programme for Faculty :Orientation Programme for faculty on the topic 'Nurturing Innovations and Start ups at Institutional Level' was organised by Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce, in association with Zucate,the Online Edu Tech Learning Platform. Resouce person Dr Moitreyee Goswami, CEO and Founder of Zucate oriented faculty on the topic. Dr Triveni Goswami, COO, Zucate and Ms Roli Pandey,CTO Zucate also interacted with participants. Prin Dr S K Shah chaired the session which was coordinated by Dr Smita Mayekar and attended by faculty members of Commerce and Management Department.
06/06/2021 -- "Shiv Swarajya Din Celebration"  - 1) Shiv Swarajya Din Celeberation 6th June 2021 (Maharashtra Geet and National Anthem) 2) Guest Lecture by: Mrs. Jyoti Nimbalkar 3) Information about the forts in Maharashtra was given to the students. 4) Miss. Shnehal Dange (B.Com-I) presented poem on “ Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj” Above all functions were celebrated with following Corona Protocols given by Government of Maharashtra  Read More
05/06/2021 M.B.A Annual Seminar on :"Change in Work Environment due to Covid-19" was organized to provide students and understanding of this changed environment and what they will have to be ready for their career start.  Mr. T. R. Bharathan, Chief Advisor for Puzzolana Group, Hyderabad was the Key Note Speaker. The Seminar was conducted online through Google Meet Platform. 7 students presented their research papers. All these research papers were published in the form of Digital Booklet and the booklet was released during the inauguration of the Seminar. Thre student Presentation Session was chaired nad evaluated by Alumnus Mr. Anand Bhutada. Read more
02/06/2021 B.C.A Annual seminar on the topic "Machine Learning" was organised for BCA students. Mrs. Priyanka Karjal Panji , Project Director, ICONSTEAM Pvt.Ltd., Latur has guided students on Machine learning concepts and also demonstrated the concepts. 5 students from BCA III year has presented their research article related to Machine Learning
29/05/2021 B. B. A. "Talking Titans- A Group Discussion Competition" was organised through Google Meet Platform. It was organised to give platform to students to share their opinions on all recent topics for competition.The objective of this competition was to develop student's Interpersonal skills, Group Behavior, Leadership and in general Communication Skills.The competition was judged by Dr. Minal Pandhare from HNCC. Read More
29/05/2021 M.B.A "Poster Presentation Competition" (Presentation of Research work) Poster presentation competition was organised for the students of Management (MBA, BBA, and BCA). Students had chosen a research topic and presented their research through a Poster Presentation.  Read More
27/05/2021 M.B.A. "Articulate - Essay/Article Writing Competition" - he competition was organised to provide a platform to students to showcase their Writing as well as their oral skills along with their though process on some current issues. The topics given were : 1. The Virtual Corporate World 2. Information Technology – A Boon in Covid-19 Pandemic 3. Politicisation of Covid-19 Pandemic 4. Address a Problem Situation with a Creative Solution 5. Lessons Learnt due to Covid-19 Pandemic & Lockdown Total 26 essays/articles in English and Marathi were submitted and presented during the competition. Read More
27/05/2021 BBA Extempore Story Telling Competition The activity helped students to develop communication skills, creativity skills and imagination skills. Competition was related to creation of story on the topic (Object) given. Imaginary Story to be created by the participant and present it.
26/05/2021 M.B.A. "Brandwave" : A Creative Advertising Competition
25/05/2021 M.B.A. "Yojana" - Business Plan Competition was organised using online Google Meet platform under Entrepreneurship Development Cell 'Udyamsheel'. The activity was planned to provide platform for the students to present their creative and innovative business ideas. Total 9 teams participated and prizes given to 4 best business plans. Read More
25/05/2021 B.B.A. "Interclass PPT Competition "  PowerPoint is a quick and easy way to organize ideas and information, and regarded as the most useful, accessible way to create and present visual aids. Considering above thought, HNCC-BBA is bringing opportunity for you to create creative PowerPoint presentation and show your talent in it. The motive of this Competition was to enhance the technical & creative skills.
22/05/2021 B.C.A. Website Designing competition

This competition was held for BCA -II year students to improve their creativity about website development and designing. Students have used different tools like  HTML,CSS,JQuery , bootstrap, wordpress etc.  Websites were designed in different areas like online  shopping, agriculture,stock management. Total 22 teams have participated in this competition

20/05/2021 B.C.A.

"Project Presentation Competition" was organized for BCA III year students.  Total 22 teams have participated and presented their idea about the projected software and app development. Students proposed the projects on different areas like "Cowin Map","online Exam Cheat Detection System", "Face Recognition attendance", "Google Firebase","Covid Management System"  etc.

19/04/2021 B. Com.

Career Guidance Cell (Commerce Association) : 9th Annual Group Power Point Presentation Competition

for more details click here
12/04/2021 B. Com.

Career Guidance Cell : Career Opportunities in Digital Marketing

09/04/2021 Junior Non- Grant

𝔽𝕒𝕤𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔹𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟 '𝕠' 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕤 By

𝔐𝔯. 𝔖𝔲𝔡𝔥𝔦𝔯 𝔅. 𝔐𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔤𝔞𝔬𝔫𝔨𝔞𝔯

Coverage of Points

  1. Working of Brain
  2. Speed and Transformation
  3. Pain receptors
  4. Priming you brain
  5. Limbic System- Emotional Brain
01/04/2021 B. Com. ‘Writing Research Papers for Indexed Journals’ Online Faculty Development Workshop on ‘Writing Research Papers for Indexed Journals’ for Faculty Members Click here to read report
30/03/2021 B.Com. Webinar on 'Intellectual Property--Exploring New Horizons' was organised by Entrepreneurship Development Cell-Udyamsheel in association with Career Consultants SSS Mentors, Pune on 30 March, 2021. Key Speaker: Adv CS Kunal R Sarpal Chairperson: Mr Yogesh Yawalkar
29/03/2021 M.B.A. Guest Lecture on "Careers in Indian Financial Market" was scheduled for the students of MBA-I & II. Lecture was given by Mr. Yogesh Gadikar, Chief Manager & Senior Vice President- UTI Mutual Funds. Students got an insight towards the career growth opportunities in Financial stream.
26/03/2021 Junior Non-Grant Silly English *HNCC NG* Presents 4th Succcessful Activity Under ✨𝕶𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖆✨ - _Multiplying the Vitamin of Knowledge_ *𝕊𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝔼𝕟𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕙* *(Silly Mistakes in English)* By *Dr. Jyoti Waghmare* 🔹Coverage of Points🔹 📍RIP English😐😧 📍Punctuation Kills😱 📍Beggar's English🤐 📍Funny English in Interviews😂🤣 📍Wrong Pronunciations🤔 📍Many More.......
26/03/ 2021 B. Com. Webinar on “Company Secretary as a Career”  Key Speaker CS Atul Kulkarni Details
23/03/2021 Time: 8.30 am B. Com. “ICWA as a Career” Key Resource Person: CMA. Murali Iyengar, Date: 23rd March 2021, Time: 8.30 am, Place: Google Meet
20/03/2021 B.B.A.

Guest Lecture on "Share Buyback"  Guest Lecture by Mr. Kumar Kudidhi, Principal Consultant, Infosys Technologies Ltd, Hyderabad. Highlighted the concept of Share Buyback and its importance to corporate industries.

19/03/2021 Junior - Non Grant

Knowledge Mania- Multiplying the Vitamin of Knowledge

" Let's Start- A Story to tell about Startups"
13/03/2021 B.Com. - Placement Cell Students who seek placement through college recruitment drives are instructed and guided to fill a online placement form.
08/03/2021 B. Com. Mrs Manjusha Gadgil addressed and interacted with students on the topic “We are Generation Equality” on the occasion of International Women’s Day.The interactive session was organised by HNCC Women Empowerment Centre - Hirkarni and Internal Complaints Committee.
03/03/2021 B.Com.

Budget 2021-22:- "Analytical Review" a special guest lecture was conducted on Google meet. Dr. Vijay Kakade, Head Economics Department, Shivaji University, Kholhapur was the guest for this session. He guided and interacted with students. For details click here

20/02/2021 B.Com.

“Social Justice Day” – 20th February 2021 was celebrated by HNCC Anti Ragging Committee, Internal Complaints Committee in association with District Legal Services Authority, Solapur Speakers: Hon. Shahikant Mokashi (Civil Judge, Senior Division) Miss. Devyani Kingai –Adv (Solapur Court) Venue: Smart Room, HNCC Solapur For details click here

16/01/2021 B.Com. Career Opportunities in Anchoring On 16th January 2021 a guest lecture on Career Opportunities in Anchoring was organized on Google Meet. Miss. Rasika Bhatt from BR News Channel Solapur was the guest for this guest lecture. For details click here
06/01/2021 M.B.A.

"Lead the Change in Turbulent Times" Guest lecture of leading entrepreneur Mr. Yatin Shah in coordination with Inner Wheel Club, Solapur.

10/12/2020 M.B.A. Guest Lecture on Digital Marketing Part – II Mr. Vishal Sonawane – Phoenix Digital Media, Solapur
03/12/2020 M.B.A. Guest Lecture on Digital Marketing Part – I Mr. Vishal Sonawane – Phoenix Digital Media, Solapur
03/12/2020 B.Com. Career in Media Sector- Radio Jokey

For details click here

May /June 2020 B.Com. COVID - 19 Online Activities Under COVID-19 Awareness Program Digital - Poster & slogan Competition- 2020 was organized in May-June 2020 For details click here
15/09/2020 MBA Webinar  "Opportunities in the market research industry"
31/05/2020 MBA

SWAYAM - NPTEL Courses            Self learning through online courses—2020-21 Our college is registered as Local Chapter for MOOCs with NPTEL. Here are the details in this academic year                                                                   • Total registrations/ enrolment for SWAYAM- NPTEL Courses- 44

• Number of SWAYAM courses for which students enrolled/registered- 30

• Number of Members registered for Examination through NPTEL - 3

• Number of Faculties Acting as Mentors for Certain Courses- 1

  For more details click here
Extra-Curricular Activities
Social Acivities

Class Activities 


Date Type of Activity Photographs
08/10/2022 Basic Programming-Php & DS
10/09/2022 General Quiz on Computer Basics and Geographical quiz
27/08/2022 General Quiz and C-Programming MCQ Quiz
19/03/2022 Presentation on cyber security in today's World What is cyber security ?. How cyber security is affecting on you how cyber attacks are increases how to protect our devices and their precautions and how to file complaint . Some points to aware about security
19/03/2022 Glass game, number game, damsharaj , pass the action game Glass game = picking up the glass first Number game= group of peoples are given number plates. Once the number is displayed the group has to arrange themselves in a sequence Damsharaj = guessing the celebrity by the action Pass the action = do some action and the person making the back will turn and tell the action to the next person.
05/03/2022 QUIZ The activity is based on logical questions , programming questions , and aptitude questions to improve logical ability of student
26/02/2022 Keys for TCS NQT In the activity we have explained all the terms related to the TCS NQT in detail, like it's selection process, it's syllabus, its examination pattern and many such things.

Annual Seminar

Date Name of Department Type of Activity Photographs


22nd  BBA Annual Seminar Jidnyasaa- 22nd BBA Annual Seminar was held on 25 Jan 2024, titled " Opportunities in Indian Tourism Industry". Event was inaugurated by Mr. Anand Bansode (360 Explorers). Mr. Vishwashankar Chakote (Shower n Tower Water park, Solapur) & Mr. Sandip Tapkir (Principal, Swami Samarth Maharashtra Institute of Hotel Management, Solapur) were key speakers who gave insights on seminar theme. In all 10 students presented their research papers, which was judged by Mr. Ajit Kokane (Manager, Smart Solapurkat Digital Media). Read More...


Jidnyasaa- 20th BBA Annual Seminar Jidnyasaa- 20th BBA Annual Seminar was arranged on 26/03/2022 on “ Investment Awareness and Career Opportunities in Mutual Fund”. It was inaugurated by Mr. Narayan Sindhee (Jyoti Financial Services, Solapur). Two key speakers- Mr. Vinod Kungiri (Broker, Sharekhan, Solapur) and Mr. Vinod Malpuri (Branch Manager, HDFC AMC, Solapur) covered different aspects of the seminar theme. Total 14 BBA students presented their Research Papers in students’ session, it was judged by Mr. Santosh Gavkar (Wealth Gain Financial Services, Solapur) Read More.....


Jidnyasaa BBA's 19th Annual Seminar on "Emerging Trends in Small & Medium Enterprises" 19th Annual Seminar was organized on 30 October, 2021. In the Technical session Mr. Amit Chandak, Shrinath Cotfab, Business Partner, Solapur and Mr. Himanshu Mehta, Director at IBME, Pune shared their views on Small & Medium Enterprises Sector. In Second session 11 students of BBA-II & III presented their paper on said theme. This session was chaired by Mr. Rohit Rathi, Rathi Overseas, Solapur. Miss. Dhanashri Saraf (Winner), Mr. Adesh Chavan (1st Runner Up),   Mr. Ashutosh Thakur (2nd Runner Up) in the paper presentation of this annual seminar. Also there was PPT Competition was organized on said theme. Total 16 Students were participated in this competition. Mr. Jay Darbi, Miss. Tejal Das, Miss. Sanchi Vaid, Miss. Divya Gubdyal were the winners of this competition.  Read more...